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Introduction to Crystals Workshop and Gong Bath

June 13, 2015 @ 10:00 am - 5:00 pm


Is this workshop for you?

Do you have an interest in crystals?

Would you like to know more about the basics?

How to cleanse them and basic programming

Creating healing and charging grids

Choosing the right crystal for you choosing your first crystals

Crystal Meditation

Who is this workshop for?

Those just starting to be drawn to the world of Crystals and using intuition

What to expect from the day?

After arrival a cup of tea and introductions we shall start by setting the energies with the assistance of the Gongs and a short meditation.  To attune us to the higher frequencies of the day.

Next we shall meet a selection of crystals and feel which ones you are drawn to, this will be followed by a crystal meditation to connect to the crystals.

After meeting your new crystal friends we shall talk about some of the different properties of the crystals, what they can be used for and how they can best benefit you on your journey.

Lunch and some grounding time

In the afternoon we will look at the basics of cleansing crystals, which ones need it and which ones don’t and how often.

We shall then look in more depth at creating Grids for protection, healing and assisting our loved ones.

The day will end with a crystal meditation and full Gong Bath – well I knew you’d all want one!

What’s included and what to Bring

A Light Vegetarian Lunch will be provided as well as Gayle’s amazing cake in the afternoon

Teas, Coffee and Water

If you have any crystals that you would like to charge / cleanse please bring them along


The 16th June is a New Moon so we will be tapping into this cycle as we work with the Crystals.

I shall have a selection of raw and polished crystals and other items for sale throughout the day.


June 13, 2015
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Event Category:


The Portal Room
88 Hood Street
Northampton, NN1 3QU
+ Google Map


07581 160 436
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