Solstice and Equinox Newsletter Update

Dear Friends

Summer is peaking through the veil and the warmth of the sun tantilises and encourages us to step forth into it’s rays. The birds sing their dawn chorus to bring in the new day and encourage us budding gardeners to go out early to tend our allotments and connect with the soil of the earth. These past few weeks I have found that many things are being fixed, replaced and made good and right to allow the energies to flow more easily and as we head further into the year the Solstice beckons us to acknowledge all that we have accomplished and put in motion.

So with that in mind and heart, please find our Solstice events below and also further news of our very exciting Equinox retreat……..

Love and Blessings,

Olaf and Gayle x


Summer Solstice Gong Baths

Summer Solstice Gong Bath

Friday 19th June – Om Studio, Northampton 7pm Exchange £15 – (click here for bookings)

Saturday 20th June – St Peters Community Centre, Loughborough Exchange £15 – (click here for bookings)

Sunday 21st June – The Solstice Gong Immersion £25– Full details below

Tuesday 23rd June – The college of Psychic Studies Exchange £18/£20 – (click here for bookings)


Solstice Gong Immersion

Sunday 21st June 2015
The Solstice Gong Immersion

Join us as we connect in with the Festival of Achievement on Solstice Day for a very special 3 hour, 3 Gong Bath event.

We shall begin by coming together in order to set our intentions in line with the meaning of the Solstice. We shall then journey into the first of our 3 Gong Bath Immersions.

There will be time between each of the Gong Baths to record your reflections, to talk or to remain silent as you are guided.

We will end with time for tea and cake to ground us ready for our journey back into the world.

£25 exchange (click here for bookings)

Venue – Om Studio, Northampton


The Equinox Gong Immersion Retreat


Please come and join us for our first Gong retreat in the heart of the beautiful Derbyshire countryside.

When? Friday 18th – Sunday 20th September 2016 (arrival from 5.30pm Friday, departure by 4pm Sunday)

Where? Atlow Mill, Hognaston, Derbyshire

Cost? £197 (inclusive of accomodation, meals)

£50 non-refundable deposit to secure your space.

Final payment of £147 by Friday 7th August

Spaces are limited to 15 people

All food will be healthy, nutritious and vegetarian. We are able to cater for specific dietary requirements.

Accommodation is in shared rooms (maximum of 5 beds per room) and shared bathrooms. There is a shared kitchen/lounge space available to make tea/coffee.

A brief outline of what you can expect (all subject to change by spirit J)

Friday 18th

Evening meal and welcome.

Opening of the Circle followed by a Full Gong Bath.

Saturday 19th

Mindful Meditation, Gentle Yoga, Journeying with the Gongs, Walking Meditation in Nature.

Evening event – Trance Dance & Gong Bath.

Sunday 20th

Morning Meditation, Sonic Yoga with the Gongs.

Vortex Gong Bath.

There may be the opportunity to learn to play the Gongs if the group wishes to do so.

Click here to book


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  299. I’d like to take the job ivermectina de gente pode dar para cachorro So why was big business unable to support either the Clinton or the Obama health-care reform efforts? One reason, according to a Fortune 500 CEO Mizruchi quotes, is an ideological conviction so deep it trumps the bottom line. “One [view] inside the business community is a belief that anything the government touches is bad,” the executive said. “There are many who, regardless of any pragmatic benefit to their company, are opposed in any way to government run programs, government mandated programs. It just doesn’t sit well with their philosophy.” That’s a powerful admission. One reason we give weight to the political recommendations of business leaders is their economic expertise. Just as climate scientists have special authority when it comes to the environment, businesspeople have special authority on economic policy. But if, as Mizruchi’s anonymous CEO says, they are actually just advocating their personal beliefs, one wonders whether they merit a privileged place in the national conversation.

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  1998. Limiti koyan zihindir. Zihin bir şeyi yapabileceğini kestirebiliği kadar başarılı olur. Yüzde 100 inandığın sürece her şeyi yapabilirsiniz. -Arnold Schwarzenegger

  1999. Sükut eyledim, ”Kahrı var” dediler. Biraz söyledim, ”Zehri” var dediler. Sustum, kahrından susuyor dediler; biraz konuştum, zehrini kusuyor dediler…

  2000. Açalım yüreğimizin kapılarını sonuna kadar, sevelim sevelim sevelim, sevebileceğimiz kadar. – Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu

  2001. Olsun be aldırma yaradan yardır..sanma ki zalimin ettiği kardır… Mazlumun ahi indirir sahi.. Her şeyin bir vakti vardır.

  2002. “Halkın işine kayıtsızlık için iyi adamların ödediği bedel, kötü adamlar tarafından yönetilir” ( Platon)

  2003. Başarı bir bilimdir; Eğer şartların varsa sonucu alırsın. – Oscar Wilde

  2004. Başarının sırrını bilmiyorum ama başarızılığın yolu herkesi memnun etmeye çalışmaktan geçer. – Bill Cosby

  2005. Bugün ağlamayı düşünüyorsan sakın yapma çünkü bir yerde senin bir gülüşün için yaşayan biri var.

  2006. It’s fantastic that you are getting thoughts from this post as well as from our discussion made at this time.

  2007. Konuşup konuşmamak bir şeyi değiştirmeyecekse, susmamak için bir neden yoktur. – Nuovo Cinema Paradiso

  2008. The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. (En zor şey harekete geçme kararıı vermektir, geriye kalan ise sadece azimdir.) – Amelia Earhart

  2009. İnan gözümde hiçbir değerin yok, ne varsa kalbimde.

  2010. En kötü barış, en haklı savaştan daha iyidir. – Cicero

  2011. Ufukta bir gemi görsem seni taşıyan, Mavi denize dalardım geriye bakmadan .Uçsuz bucaksız mavilikte arardım beni .Taa ki beni sende bulana kadar.

  2012. Denizi kurumuş bir balık gibi, halen senin için çırpınıyorum.

  2013. Beraber çalışmaksa gerçek başarıdır. – Henry Ford

  2014. Dünyanın en güç işi bir şeyin nasıl yapılacağını bilirken, başka birinin nasıl yapamadığını ses çıkarmadan seyretmektir.

  2015. Büyük Allah’tan bizler niye terbiye isteriz? Çünkü terbiyesizler, Allah’ın lütfundan mahrumdurlar.

  2016. Sen ne kadar kalsan da geliyorsun benimle. Ben ne kadar gitsem de kalıyorum seninle. – Shakespeare

  2017. İnsanın kinden kurtulması en yüksek umuda götüren köprü ve uzun süren kötü havalardan sonra görülen gökkuşağıdır. – Friedrich Nietzsche

  2018. Akıl bir kişidir, Allah’a bakar.Uyarsan akla uy, ol buhl’ı (cimriliği) yakar.

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  2022. Allah’la arandaki perdedir. O perdeyi ateşe at ki ardından Allah görünsün.

  2023. Eighty percent of success is showing up. (Başarının yüzde sekseni ortaya çıkmaktır.) – Woody Allen

  2024. Hiçbir merdivenin olmasa bile kendi başının üstüne çımayı başarmalısın, yoksa yukarıya nasıl çıkarsın? – Friedrich Nietzsche

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