Archive for the Uncategorized Category

Energies of the now 2018/01/21

I have been asked by a few if there is something going on (energetically speaking).  After a couple of days I feel ready to answer this for those that have asked. Feelings of unrest and uncertainty… There seems to be a sense of trepidation and fear of

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Insight of the Day – Friday Story

I have always wanted to live in California. In 1989, after graduating with my certification in elementary education from Clark University, I packed my car with everything I owned and headed West to follow my dreams. I set off on my adventure in February and took the

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A Little note on sound

A Little note on sound

Sound a medium that is used so often and yet so overlooked for holistic therapies.  Only now as we move further into the 21st century are we beginning to understand the power and depth that sound both affects our lives and the benefits it has for the

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